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Defensa legislativa y comunitaria


We are excited to share that MANY autism bills are moving through the state legislature this year! We've never seen a time when we have been as successful in our advocacy efforts at the state level! This is in great part due to a tremendous amount of Florida's policymakers having a personal connection to autism. 


Our focus this year has been on:

  • Cameras in classrooms

  • Autism Police Training requirement 

  • Teacher training

  • Drowning prevention

  • Elopement protocols in schools

  • Early identification and intervention


If you’d like to get involved with these efforts, join our Safe Schools Task Force that is meeting every Monday at 7 PM until session ends on May 2, and then on the 2nd Monday of each month on Zoom at

La Sociedad de Autismo de Florida defiende y contribuye a la elaboración de leyes para proteger, empoderar y mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas con autismo en todos los aspectos de la vida.

Forjamos relaciones con legisladores y personas de nuestras comunidades para educar, informar y crear conciencia sobre las necesidades de las personas con autismo en Florida. Estamos comprometidos a ayudar a las personas a defender a sus hijos y a enseñar habilidades de autodefensa a adultos en el espectro del autismo.

Si comparte nuestra pasión, tiene habilidades que ofrecer y está interesado en ofrecerse como voluntario para ayudar a abogar a una escala más global, contáctenos y ponga esas habilidades a trabajar. Trabajemos juntos para crear un mundo mejor e inclusivo para todos.




Es importante comunicarse con sus legisladores y hacerles saber cuán importantes son estos proyectos de ley para usted y otros.

Necesitan escuchar historias personales para informarlos e influenciarlos. Si nadie los llama, entonces es como si no fueran necesarios y todo está bien con la educación especial.

We need CAMERAS in classrooms TODAY.

Sadly, kids with autism are found in the news more and more, and not for good reasons. Within 2 weeks, there were two children in two different schools who were abused by their teachers. 

This is a tragic story about a 7 year old boy with autism who was tied to a chair at his public school in Manatee County. The teacher and para took turns sitting on the chair to keep him from moving. The only reason we even know about this is because there was a CAMERA on the playground. There is no expectation that this child was treated any differently (or worse) behind the closed door of his classroom. Who knows how long this type of abuse occurred? Our question is: Why do we not have cameras in the classrooms of our most vulnerable children?

In this incident, a behavior support teacher at Eisenhower Exceptional Center in Hillsborough County was observed punching a 9-year-old non-verbal student and was subsequently fired.  Eisenhower is a center school that is supposed to have all the extra support for students who need it. How is a parent to trust the education system without knowing that cameras are in place should they have concerns about the safety of their child? 

New Law Effective January 1, 2024

Contact your local law enforcement agency to see if they have a registration program - if you feel it's right for you.

The "“Protect Our Loved Ones” Act, authorizes a local law enforcement agency to develop and maintain a database, known as a “Persons with Disabilities Registry,” of persons who may have certain developmental, psychological, or other disabilities or conditions, including but not limited to, autism spectrum disorder.... that may be relevant to interactions with law enforcement."

"The bill authorizes local law enforcement agencies to provide information from the registry to law enforcement officers to assist in performance of their official duties.

The information provided to law enforcement officers under the bill may assist officers in their official duties by preparing them to respectfully and appropriately interact with an individual enrolled in the registry who has a relevant disability or condition."

If you are interested in being included in this database, contact your local law enforcement agency to find out if they plan to have one. No one will be included who does not request to be included.

What We're Working on 2025/2026
Links are for 2025 legislation - will be updated upon bill assignment

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